Counselling, movement therapy, clinical supervison, research and training courses

Counselling, movement therapy, clinical supervison, research and training courses
Welcome to my website. It's all about me, my work, my courses in education and therapy. Hope you like some of what you see and find some of what you are looking for. Join me in one of my many workshops and courses or in therapy. If you want to know more or ask a specific question contact me via my email: jan_filer@hotmail.com
All my work in its many varied combinations is underpinned by the theory, philosophy and practice of Sherborne Developmental Movement (S.D.M.) which I first met during my educational certificate as a teacher of physical education at Bristol University, specializing in dance movement and gymnastics for children from 4 -18 years of age. Since the end of the 1960's I have practiced, taught, educated practitioners, researched, written about and developed the S.D.M. approach across the fields of education and therapy.
“Through my experience of teaching and observing human movement, and of learning through trial and error, I have come to the conclusion that all children have two basic needs; they need to feel at home in their own bodies and so to gain mastery, and they need to be able to form relationships”.
– Veronica Sherborne, 1990
Sherborne Developmental Movement
Sherborne Developmental Movement is a method of working in which the movement is securely based in normal developmental movement experiences. It was developed by Veronica Sherborne in the later part of the twentieth century. It is an inclusive approach to teaching and working with movement and one that is well grounded in Laban’s Movement Theory, which has been developed over a period of 40 years. In the Sherborne Association we are constantly being told “it works!”
Developmental Movement is a fully inclusive therapeutic practice for people of all ages, abilities and developmental stages who want to learn through play. It's an ideal way to enjoy a 'team day' in any field of work/business bringing people together through fun practical activities.
Controlled coordinated physical movement and body awareness can have a therapeutic effect on the mind. I use body awareness and movement therapy to build confidence, foster good relationships and to expand the mind and spirit of children and adults with all degrees of physical, emotional and mental health difficulties.
In my practical work with people, I don't stand outside and instruct, I participate from within the group. I'm down on the floor in the thick of it. You have to experience the methodology to fully understand it but Developmental Movement speaks for itself and you cannot reject the evidence of what you see when you participate. You see it happening. It works! From the start, the key is to make positive relationships with all participants making my total physical involvement with them their inspiration. Awareness of others is a problem for many of us. We find relationships with ourselves and with others difficult. I focus on facilitating participants to feel whole, connected and centred to relax to enable them to feel safe, trust me and the environment as being safe by Developmental Movement helps people to relax. All this I do through physical human movement based on play. We all have the gift of play inside us so I try to recapitulate what people have missed in their childhoods in this particular area of human development. I have worked with this therapeutic methodology both for myself and for others for more than fifty years. I have worked in communities where there were extremes of psychological disturbance. It has never failed me and I feel it has never been any more relevant than it is today a where physical play and touch are increasingly omitted from a child's day.
Contact Dr. Jan filer to find out more jan_filer@hotmail.com
Take the time to laugh, it's the music of the soul
Take the time to love it's truly enlightening
International Sherborne Developmental Movement
I belong to and work within the principles of the International Sherborne Developmental Movement which is the continuation and development of the movement work pioneered by Veronica Sherborne (1922-1990) in the United Kingdom. It is a unique way of working through movement that can reach the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual essence of children and adults worldwide who may be able-bodied or have a multitude of disabilities.
It is based on the work of Rudolph Laban and has, at its core, the human desire to be creative in discovering physical possibilities of the body, problem-solving abilities and the potential for making relationships through movement. Practitioners have applied the principles of this unique work in many different countries throughout the world and with many different client groups. This website includes more details of courses, training, news on the international scene, how to join the membership, and a members’ page. The MEMBERS’ page also contains an opportunity to take part in a forum where members can chat with each other. Should you require any further information, please use the CONTACT US page and someone will respond as soon as possible.
The International family of Sherborne practitioners extends worldwide from Japan throughout Europe and Scandinavia to Brazil. The purpose of international co-operation is to continue and develop Veronica Sherborne’s way of working in movement and to ensure standards in training are maintained throughout the world.
Practitioners in Sweden, Norway, Belgium/Holland, the United Kingdom and now Turkey have the opportunity to join official Associations or Boards in these countries. Those without an official Board may join the International family as “floating members”. At present, international co-operation is achieved by regular contact with representatives of the official Boards. For Belgium/Holland the rep is Veronique Goethals; for Sweden, it is Cia Kilnta, for Norway, it is Unni Vagstol, in Turkey the rep is Aysegl Aksoy and for the UK it is Elizabeth Marsden. The floating members have representation through contact with any of the five people whose details are posted opposite each representative is elected by their national Board and no decisions are taken until issues have been thoroughly discussed by the National Boards. Floating members are encouraged to form their own National Association or Board when there are sufficient Sherborne practitioners in their country. New representatives on the International Sherborne Co-Operation (ISCO) group would be celebrated.
If you would like any further information please email jan_filer@hotmail.com with the details below:
Name *
Email *
Comment/question *
Move into Motion Courses
Jan Filer
2024 - 2025
Move into Motion with Jan Filer and associates
Developmental Movement, Education, Research, Therapy and Clinical supervision
All my advertised courses that were suspended during the lock down period have now resumed and are available for booking.
Regarding one-to-one and group therapy or supervision, I have resumed
person to person work but continue to work remotely using a variety of platforms including Zoom, Skype, Messenger, Face Time and audio depending on preference. Parent support one to one or group sessions also continue remotely but can also be booked as person to person sessions.
APRIL 20th
9.00 am - 1.00 pm GMT
"Health and Personality Development"
Stradins University, Latvia
Self-encounter through movement
Sherborne Developmental Movement
to facilitate healing psychotrauma from the mother-child relationship
SDM Levels 1-4
New structure
9.00 - 4.00
Venue: New Fossway Special School
Teyfont Road
Bristol BS13 ORG
Safeguarding in schools
Facilitated by Jan Filer
8.30 - 12.00
St Bernards School Shirehampton
SDM Level 1
9.00 - 4.00
Venue: TBA
The effects of trauma on a child's development and behaviour
10 - 1.00
Compton Corner Therapy room
SDM Level 2
11.30 - 1.30
11.30 - 1.30
3rd session: 27.01.23
11.00 - 12.30
Compton Corner Therapy Room
Bristol BS9 2PG
"Good basic foundation - will use in practice. Good clear delivery. Practical experiences made it easy to understand. Good pace, very friendly." N. Lewis.
"The course exceeded my expectations - I learned a lot. The mindset and psychology behind the practicals were most useful." C. Macey, July 2019.
"Excellent course, more than I expected. Practical activities were great team building activities with colleagues." B. Morgan, July 2019.
"Loved both Practical and theory. Jan is very Knowledgeable." D. Parry, July 2019.
Fantastic course exceeded my expectations. thoroughly enjoyed it. Can't wait to try it out." R. Scrivens, July 2019.
"Fully enjoyed course, look forward to implementing it." unnamed, July 2019.
"Theory and practical very interesting, exceeded my expectations. Jan made us feel very comfortable and at ease." E. Owen, July 2019.
"Course exceeded my expectations - excellent training. Interested in follow-up." S. Griffiths, July 2019.
Experience the joy of being in the moment through playing 'Blanket Play', Filer, 1994
Confirmed courses for 2014
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Move into Motion Courses
Jan Filer
2024 - 2025
Move into Motion
Jan Filer and associates
Developmental Movement, Education, Research, Therapy and Clinical supervision
All my advertised courses that were suspended during the lock down period have now resumed and are available for booking.
Regarding one-to-one and group therapy or supervision, I have resumed
person to person work but continue to work remotely using a variety of platforms including Zoom, Skype, Messenger, Face Time and audio depending on preference. Parent support one to one or group sessions also continue remotely but can also be booked as person to person sessions.
APRIL 20th
9.00 am - 1.00 pm GMT
"Health and Personality Development"
Stradins University, Latvia
Self-encounter through movement
Sherborne Developmental Movement
to facilitate healing psychotrauma from the mother-child relationship
SDM Levels 1-4
New structure
9.00 - 4.00
Venue: New Fossway Special School
Safeguarding in schools
Facilitated by Jan Filer
8.30 - 12.00
St Bernards School Shirehampton
SDM Level 1
9.00 - 4.00
Venue: TBA
The effects of trauma on a child's development and behaviour
10 - 1.00
Compton Corner Therapy room
SDM Level 2
11.30 - 1.30
11.30 - 1.30
3rd session: 27.01.23
11.00 - 12.30
Compton Corner Therapy Room
Bristol BS9 2PG
"Good basic foundation - will use in practice. Good clear delivery. Practical experiences made it easy to understand. Good pace, very friendly." N. Lewis.
"The course exceeded my expectations - I learned a lot. The mindset and psychology behind the practicals were most useful." C. Macey, July 2019.
"Excellent course, more than I expected. Practical activities were great team building activities with colleagues." B. Morgan, July 2019.
"Loved both Practical and theory. Jan is very Knowledgeable." D. Parry, July 2019.
Fantastic course exceeded my expectations. thoroughly enjoyed it. Can't wait to try it out." R. Scrivens, July 2019.
"Fully enjoyed course, look forward to implementing it." unnamed, July 2019.
"Theory and practical very interesting, exceeded my expectations. Jan made us feel very comfortable and at ease." E. Owen, July 2019.
"Course exceeded my expectations - excellent training. Interested in follow-up." S. Griffiths, July 2019.

Experience the joy of being in the moment through playing 'Blanket Play', Filer, 1994
Confirmed courses for 2014