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Move into Motion


Developmental Movement Play (DMP)

Developmental Movement Play (DMP) is an innovative early intervention that addresses the needs of two generations by providing a service for both the parent and child. It was developed in the 1980s by Dr. Janice Filer as the result of a lifetime's work in the field of dance and movement. The original idea came from a union between children's wish to dance and the need to develop a programme to address the poor attachment relationship and negative parenting styles of some of the parents attending movement workshops.

All children and their parents can be included in the practice of Developmental Movement Play regardless of their stage of development, physical ability, class or culture. Participants can engage creatively in a process to further their emotional, cognitive, physical and social integration, develop confidence, self-esteem and self-worth. Developmental Movement Play is a very personal form of dance and movement that is not easily explained in words. There are no steps to learn, and the only way to understand this style of practice fully is to do it.

This psychotherapeutic use of movement and dance is based on the principle that movement reflects an individual’s patterns of thinking and feeling. Emotions and perceptions of disability are invited into the dance activities to be expressed and released as a natural part of what is happening in the sessions. It uses movement as a means of communication to engage parents to play with their children in order to improve their relationships with each other. Participants learn to listen to themselves through moving.

Developmental Movement Play provides opportunities for the parents to grow as individuals alongside their children through shared dance and movement activities based upon the theory, philosophy and practice of Rudolf Laban (Thornton,1971), and incorporates Sherborne Developmental Movement (SDM; Sherborne, 2001) which is recognised as being highly effective not only for children with special educational needs but also for all individuals, whatever their ability.


  • improve the relationship between parent and child by giving them the opportunity to learn to feel relaxed and enjoy one another's company through physical play

  • to address some of the issues concerning communication, relationships, emotional, behavioural and mental health difficulties for both parents and children

  • provide parents with knowledge, skills and positive experiences to enhance their relationships with their children

  • encourage participants to have fun playing with each other as they learn to trust and respect each other

  • develop confidence, self-esteem and self-worth in both adult and child participants by using movement and touch as a means of communication to enable participants to achieve a deeper understanding of each other's thoughts and feelings

  • provide a means to release pent-up emotions and stress

  • raise parents’ awareness of their role in promoting self-confidence and resilience in their children and encourage them to develop strategies for promoting positive behaviour.



For further information or to request an application form to be sent by post, please contact: Dr. Janice Filer

Telephone: 0117 9076707 

Mobile: 07896276450

Email: info@janfiler/



Next Developmental Movement Courses:


Jan will be hosting a one day

Level 2

Sherborne Developmental Movement Course

Date: TBA depending on interest

Come along to these fantastic courses delivered in a series of practical workshops.


I day Level 2 SDM:  £95.00


Pay BACS/ online @ 08 92 49   11447416








Working with Parents with Learning Difficulties


Chedzoy Village Hall




Thursday 25th May 2017

10.00 - 2.30


Stress sensitive,
working with parents
Learning Difficulties











































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Reserve my space

Reserve your place on a course, you will be contacted 7 days prior to your attendance to take payment.


 1. Low Arousal Approach to managing children's unwanted behaviours


 2. Key Person Role (working with traumatised children)


 3. Domestic Violence and Abuse


 4. Developmental Movement


 5. Supporting Parents with Learning Difficulties


For further information or to request an application form to be sent by post, please contact: Dr Janice Filer

Telephone: 0117 9076707 

Mobile: 07896276450 

Email: info@janfiler/




Sherborne Teamwork


Audience and content of the course:

Supervisors, context supervisors in therapy, education, social care and health practitioners.... working with clients, where a lack of basic trust in a broad sense and attachment problems play a role.


The Specialist Module 'Teamwork' is developed from working with children and families with a lack of basic trust and attachment problems. More detail will be published in April 2017. 

South West Education and Therapeutic Services


     Well-being for Therapists and Practitioners

in the

              Helping Professions    


                Spring 2017 - DATE TBA


                       9.30 am - 3.30                           

     St Pauls Community Sports Academy             

 Newfoundland Circus, Bristol BS2 9NH


Self-care is often a neglected area for busy therapists and practitioners in the helping professions devoting their life to helping others. Now is the time to think about yourself and replenish your own internal emotional health and well-being. Enjoy a day of practical activities whilst being supported by sensitive caring facilitators. These self-care methods will prove useful in your role of supporting others and can be used with clients who might also benefit from using them.


This one-day' Well-being for Therapists' course will give you the opportunity:·

to understand what well-being means for you· to relax ·

to experience a day of self-care ·

to learn and try out a range of self-care strategies and activities that can transfer to your practice with clients.


The course covers:

  • the body-brain connection and the relationship between your psychological, emotional and physical states

  • what’s going on when you attune to the feelings of another and how you can harness this in your work

  • why and how to regulate yourself

  • simple, practical self-regulation techniques to share and use anywhere, anytime.



To register please contact: 

Or fill in the form below and send it to:


Miss K Filer at the address above





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