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​Values of Visual Cues 


Developmental Movement is also an adapted teaching approach for use with Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders.


I use visual cues in movement sessions with some participants, especially when working with autistic children.There is overwhelming evidence that the implementation of the SDM programme through structured teaching

approaches targeted to autistic pupils' strengths as visuallearners, through the use of visual cues contributed significantly

towards pupils' engagement. Visual Cues immensely reduce the need for verbal instructions and other prompting strategies improving participants' levels of understanding of the expectataions.


There are 17 movement symbols as small cards to use on a key chain for individual use and the same symbols as A4 posters that can be used in movement sessions as visual cues. These cue cards are available free to anyone who joins the Sherborne Association after completing the Level 1 course.




Visual cues

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