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Courses - Spring 2019 


Courses to help educational, social care, health practitioners/therapists manage children’s unwanted behaviour from an attachment/relational/trauma perspective


Understanding and Managing Young Children’s Behaviour - Jan Filer

(Facilitated by JAN fILER, CONSULTANT WITH MOVE INTO MOTION, Adapted Physical activities through Developmental Movement Play, DMP)

North Training Date:
Friday19th July 2019
Time: 9:30pm - 12:30pm 
Venue: Compton Corner Therapy Room, 18 Compton Drive, 
Bristol BS9 2PG
To book email Jan Filer: 
Refreshments available 15 mins before start
This workshop gives practitioners an opportunity to learn how to create the psychological and emotional space and the atmosphere in which children can develop and learn. The emphasis is on developing and sharing practical methods to address challenging behaviours in order to prevent and manage them. 
At the end of the course you will:
  • Have an understanding of developmental trauma and its impact on children’s behaviour
  • Understand the importance of the attached relationship and a secure learning environment
  • Know the difference between temper tantrums and emotional meltdowns
  • Have developed and shared practical ideas for managing trauma-related behaviour 











To register interest or book a place on the course below copy and paste details below and email



Training coming soon with MOVE INTO MOTION





LEVEL ONE – One-Day Introduction in Sherborne Developmental Movement (SDM)                  



When:     Friday 916 June 2017 - 9.15am – 3.30pm (Reg. from    9.00am)


Where:   St Pauls Community Sports Academy, Newfoundland Circus, St Pauls, Bristol BS2 9NH


Aim:       To provide an introduction to Sherborne Developmental Movement Theory and Philosophy in a series of practical workshop sessions



For:       Anyone whose role includes providing support to children in physical

education settings; and/or people with communication, movement or coordination difficulties (health, education, social care, and

mental health practitioners)


Aims:      To provide participants with the skills to support the delivery of SDM in their own setting/area of work


  • Receive an introduction to the principles and content of SDM

  • Develop an understanding of the underlying philosophy and theory  

  • Look at the implications for including SDM in participants own practice

  • Explore the opportunities and difficulties of implementing SDM into participants own practice

  • Practice some of the movement experiences for use with client groups

  • Be given contact details for on-going support with this work

    Trainer:    Dr. Janice Filer

    Cost:      £85 payable in cash/cheque (£75 for students or with early booking concession)

    Bring:     Leggings or joggers, be prepared to work in bare feet and in close proximity with others.


    To book:   You can apply using the booking form below








9th February 2016, St Pauls Community Sports Academy, Newfoundland Circus, St Pauls, Bristol BS2 9NH

Please complete and return by email


CLOSING DATE:   8th February 2016 - Early application is advised


Concession of £10 and confirmation will be emailed to all participants who enclose their fee by the closing date. Please note that there is a £15 cancellation charge for any places that are not taken up or cancelled with 48 hours notice.


Data Protection Act: by signing this application, I agree to the SDM Organisation keeping data about me for the administration of training courses and conferences. All data held by SDM is not revealed to any individual or organization other than that required by statute.








Title: Professor/Dr/Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss



Details as you would like them to appear on your certificate –



Address for correspondence




Day time telephone number






Area of work



Job title



Do you have any accessibility needs? (e.g disabled parking) Please state requirements.


Cost: (please tick) On the day by cash or cheque


By 09.01.16 for early bird concession/student fee


I agree to terms and conditions

Please tick and sign below




Payment by cheque:

I enclose a cheque for £ ……………………...

(Payable to Jan Filer, Move into Motion, 18 Compton Drive, BS9 2PG)

BACS OR ONLINE:  08-92-49      11447416


Signed ……………………………………………………………. Date …………………………………………..




1. COURSE TITLE - CPR for troubled children:

Responding to children as the symptoms of the problems, not the problem themselves

At school children must spend a large part of their lives in our psychological world. They have no choice in this regard. This workshop is for practitioners who want to understand how trauma impacts on a child’s behaviour and how to manage it.

Venue: Eden Grove              


Facilitator/Trainer: Dr. Janice Filer, through TWS         

Dates and times:  9.30 – 12.30 on  Wednesday 3rd February 2016

Price: £60.00 per delegate


This workshop gives practitioners an opportunity to learn how to create the psychological and emotional space and the atmosphere in which children can develop and learn. The emphasis is on developing and sharing practical methods to address challenging behaviours in order to prevent and manage them. 


At the end of the course you will:


  • Have an understanding of developmental trauma and its impact on children’s behaviour

  • Understand the importance of the attached relationship and a secure learning environment

  • Know the difference between temper tantrums and emotional meltdowns

  • Have developed and shared practical ideas for managing trauma-related behaviour




 2. Course Title - Difficult Behaviours:
No More Hitting, Spitting, Biting, Screaming and Kicking


Will be repeated in 2016 - dates TBA

This two-part day course will be invaluable to anyone dealing with unproductive behaviour in individuals in the Early Years and Key Stage 1   



Venue:                                   Sea Mills Children’s Centre, BS9 2LA


Facilitator:                            Dr. Jan Filer (Through TWS)



                                                Date                            Time                                       Cost per delegate

                                                14 Oct 2014              09.30 - 12.30 (Day 1)           £120.00 for both days

                                                25 Nov 2014             09.30 - 12.30 (Day 2)                                                          

                                                10 Feb 2015              09.30 - 12.30 (Day 1)           £120.00 for both days

                                                26 Mar 2015             09.30 - 12.30 (Day 2)                      

                                                12 May 2015             09.30 - 12.30 (Day 1)  

                                                23 June 2015             09.30 - 12.30 (Day 2)           £120.00 for both days                      


Practical ideas for putting the Low Arousal Approach and Stress Theory into practice


This course will be invaluable to anyone dealing with unproductive behaviour in individuals. The methods work well for children in times of stress, including children with developmental disabilities or when they are exhibiting difficult behaviours as a result of “typical” development. The emphasis will be on how to prevent and manage behaviour such as saying “no”, running away, hitting, spitting, kicking, biting and throwing furniture in order to help children settle to learn by supporting practitioners in putting theory into practice in their settings.


Course Outcomes:

By the end of the course you will:

Part 1

  • Have an understanding of what makes some children show unwanted behaviours

  • Have an understanding of the Key Person role in relation to these behaviours

  • Recognize the importance of the team and the whole school approach

  • Have developed and shared strategies for preventing and managing unproductive behaviours

  • Understand the process of holistic observations

Part 2

  • Have been supported in trying out strategies back in your setting

  • Use holistic observation to inform practice

  • Be able to share and reflect on your practice  




 3. Course Title: The Key Person Role (KPR) in Relation to Children’s unwanted Behaviour



Venue:                                 TBA


Facilitator:                          Dr Jan Filer


Dates and times:              2016 - TBA



Price:                                     £65 per delegate


Understanding the Importance of the Key Person Role in relation to managing children’s unproductive behaviour


This half day course will be invaluable to Education, Health, Social Care practitioners and Therapists working with children who are exhibiting unproductive/unwanted behaviour


It supports the practitioner in putting theory into practice regarding the KPR in relation to managing children’s difficult behaviours. A safe, supportive environment is provided to try out practical activities before putting them into practice.


Course Outcomes:

You will:

  • Develop an understanding of how to put strategies regarding the Attachment Theory into practice

  • Develop practical ways of connecting up home and setting

  • Understand the importance of the KPR in relation to unwanted behaviours

  • Recognize the importance of the team and the whole school approach

  • Understand the importance of the KPR in relation to transitions

  • Understand the relationship between personal/professional development and self-care in relation to the KPR


4. Course title: Domestic Violence and Abuse


This course is suitable for people who work in education, therapy, social and health care in any capacity. It can also be facilitated as an in-house training

Venue: Sea Mills Children's Centre
Date: TBA 
Cost: Free to delegates working with young children in education, therapy or health




  • To highlight the impact of domestic violence and abuse (DVA) on children, young people and adults


  • To provide practitioners with an awareness of DVA issues



  • To enable practitioners to be clear about what to do if they or the people they work with have concerns about DVA




  • Welcome, introduction and background

  • Aims and objectives

  • Bristol Against Violence and Abuse (BAVA)

  • Quiz

  • Beliefs and behaviour of:

                 ‘The Dominator’,

                  A Decent Human Being

  • Why is DVA relevant in your settings?

  • Small group activity:

                 How are children affected by domestic abuse?

                 Links between woman and child abuse

  • How you can spot the signs/ask about DVA

  • Web activity

  • Barriers to leaving

  • Who needs to know?

  • Hope for the future

  • Evaluation



5. Course title - Developmental Movement  

Course for practitioners/therapists wishing to use developmental movement as part of their practice

For more detailed information go to courses page the drop-down menu at top of the home page -

Basic Accredited Sherborne Course - Level 1

This one-day course is designed to give participants an overview of the work of Veronica Sherborne, covering the basic principles and theoretical background. The work explores the concepts of developing self-confidence, good self-esteem and the development of positive relationships through shared movement experiences. These movements focus on body awareness, confidence in space, relationship experiences and creativity.

Participants are asked to wear practical, comfortable clothing and, if at all possible, be prepared to work in bare feet.

Learning objectives

As a result of attending this course you will:

1. obtain an insight into Sherborne Developmental Movement (SDM) through taking part in practical activities

2. consider how these movement experiences can benefit the children and young people with whom you work.

3. where relevant, be able to relate SDM to aspects of the National Curriculum

4. know how to gain access to further training in SDM



Course presenter/facilitator


Janice Filer has a background in teaching children and adults with special needs and is a member of the Sherborne Association in the positive of International Course Leader (ICL).



Who should attend?


Teachers, teaching assistants, physiotherapists, dance/movement therapists, play therapists, health visitors,  leisure co-ordinators, play leaders, parents and carers.



Date, location and cost


Date:  TBA - 2016

Time: 9.00 am – 4.00 pm

Venue: St Paul's Community Centre, Bristol 

Cost: £120 professional organisations £85 parents/carers/students/concessions

Booking details


For further information or to request an application form to be sent by post, please contact: Dr. Janice Filer

Telephone: 0117 906707 

Mobile: 07896276450

Email: info@janfiler/

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