South West Educational and Therapeutic Services (SWETS)
(Dr Janice Filer and Associates in educational practice, research and therapy)
Well-being for Therapists and Practitioners in the Helping Professions
Friday 26 July 2019
9.30 am - 3.30 pm
Compton Corner Therapy Room
18 Compton Drive
Bristol, BS9 2PG
Self-care is often a neglected area for busy therapists and practitioners in the helping professions devoting their life to helping others. Now is the time to think about yourself and replenish your own internal emotional health and well-being. Enjoy a day of practical activities whilst being supported by a sensitive caring facilitator. These self-care methods will prove useful in your role of supporting others and can be used with clients who might also benefit from using them.
This one-day 'Well-being for Therapists' course will give you the opportunity:
to understand what well-being means for you
to relax
to experience a day of self-care
to learn and try out a range of self-care strategies and activities that can transfer to your practice with clients
To register please fill in the form below and send it to:
Mrs K Carlyle
Compton Corner Therapy Room
18 Compton Drive
Bristol BS9 2PG
Information about SWETS
“… a bridge too far” Michael Gove 7th Feb 2013
With the constant pressure on schools to adapt and meet the exacting needs of students it isn’t surprising that teachers seek more than the traditional forms of support so far offered.
We are already working with all levels of staff in early year's settings, primary and secondary schools, and in universities. Would you like to join our community of emotionally literate professionals to enhance the abilities of your students and colleagues?
We are highly trained and experienced professionals in the educational community and therapeutic services. We have decades of experience and have consultants with post-graduate training qualifications who can work with primary schools to universities.
We can offer a professional service in individual and group supervision, individual and group therapy, training, continuing professional development and a consultancy service.
For an informal discussion about educational consultation, therapy, research or supervision contact:
Dr Jan Filer, (BACP, PTUK, ICL, SDM)
Email: jan_filer@hotmail.com
Who are we for?
Play Therapists
Music Therapists
Dance & Movement Therapists
Art Therapists
Drama Therapists
Sand Play Therapists
Occupational Therapists
Nursery/Primary/Secondary Teachers
Special Needs Teachers
Learning Assistants
Child Care Workers
Social Workers
Anyone who is training, working or interested in working with children, young people or adults in a therapeutic or educational environment who wishes to acquire play or creative therapy or listening therapy skills
Anyone who is seeking clinical supervision, coaching or mentoring either individually, in a group or a whole setting.'