Move into Motion Educational Courses
Adapted Physical Activities
Price List for settings and groups
All areas can be delivered in the form of I day courses, staff meetings, discussions, practical workshops, lectures or follow up sessions and can be a mixture of theory and practice as the situation demands. Full-length courses of 10 x 1-hour sessions can be negotiated.
Presentation - The Theory and Practice of Developmental Movement Play
Developmental Movement Play, What the Research Tells Us - presentation
I hour Practical Developmental Movement Play workshop
All courses can be based on requirements of individual settings and can be aimed at any age, including the adults in your setting
New 12 step structure of S.D.M. training
Levels 1 - 4: can be broken down into 3 hour sessions leading to accredited certification
One day course levels 1- 4: £1000.00
Two day course Levels 1 - 6 : £2000.00
Practical workshop: £250
Lectures/research dissemination: £250
Follow up sessions 2 Full length courses of 10 x 1-hour sessions £1000
Staff meeting: £200
(Additional costs: expenses for travel and hire of movement space if unavailable at setting where course takes place)
All levels of training are also available in the following areas:
Dance and Movement in the Foundation Stage
Outdoor Physical Activities
Healthy, Active and Outside
How to Make the Most of Your Outside Area
Team Building
Dens, bases and secret places
Personal Development/Staff Training
Top Start Physical Activities and Games for EYFS, Primary and Secondary phases
Blanket Play
Engaging parents/parenting
Basic counselling skills for practitioners
Parachute Play
Emotional literacy
Well-being and self-care
Parenting and parent support
Safe Touch
Domestic Abuse
The effects of trauma and loss
Play therapy
Trauma-related dissociation
Fragmentation of the Psyche
Developmental trauma
How to trauma proof your school
I have been trained to facilitate many parent support programmes including:
* Mellow Parenting
* Mellow Babies
* Incredible Year's Parent-Child Video Series (Webster-Stratton) and the Child programme, Dinosaur School the can be delivered alongside the parent Programme
* The Freedom programme
Price list for Individual Delegates
One day workshops and training:
Individuals £250.00
Students £220.00
Concessions £220.00
Half day workshops and training:
Individuals £120.00
Students £95.00
Concessions £95.00