Artwork from Creative Therapy
Gallery 1
Splits of the Soul
This section includes drawings, photographic and graphic representations and collages made during the process of creative therapy,

New splits of the soul emerging out of some moment of May dissociation. Recorded on the ceiling of life

A child's mind reads more than they can say about the pictures they see on the ceiling in the dark of night. The light of the moon plays tricks with the wind to create meaningful shadows between the swaying branches reflected through window panes on dark stormy nights when sleep refuses to come.

A self portrait of expressing a personal battle with fear

A collage to represent the initial chaotic process of splitting before the separate personalities emerge in their own right

The force of stress and anxiety acttacking body, soul and mind from both the inside and outside environment. The pre-splitting stage

A drawing to show how the feeling of being out of control first starts to build up

It takes quite some while for each new split to develop

The dark and light shadow sides of each split

The purple centre represents the essence of the personality trapped beyond penetration and reach of any kind

The barriers between each major split keeping the separate parts away from each other

The splitting of the mind, body and soul