Calm after the blazing stormwreckThe scorched earthiness of feeling grounded in my body. Summer suns give way to autumn. At home in my own body once more despite it's limitations. Strange craggy, mountainous lumps and bumps give unknown contours to the once familiar terrain made from the shadows of my body projected onto the ceiling. Scars healing well physically but inside I'm an unseen emotional wreck, made worse by comments of how well I look, a brave survivor. | Formation of new body scapesFrom out of the depths came creativity as the pictures I imagine on my ceiling transform into new dusty landscapes that once belonged to 'Spanish Sister'. Split once more! A new me is dawning (spawning?) The hot landscape gives way to a dusty cooler terrain as healing takes place. | SkinscapesA recovering body once broken, repairs to create new, perhaps much gentler contours. A once hardened exercised muscle dies off to reveal a newfound softness. I can feel the holes where it once was, now emptied out by the surgeon's knife. |